V prispevku preučujemo prostor za preprečevanje osipa v okviru vprašanja kakovosti učnega procesa. Predpostavka je: kolikor je učni proces kakovostnejši, toliko več učencev bo motiviranih za to, da ne prekinejo s svojim šolanjem. Seveda to ne pomeni, da je to zadosten prvi pogoj, saj je problem osipa zapleten in najpogosteje vključuje številne zunanje socialno-ekonomske, psihološke in socialne dejavnike. Kljub temu prispevek obravnava le področje, ki se nanaša na učni proces, in sicer s pomočjo teoretične analize demokratičnega potenciala učnega procesa kot ključnega vidika kakovosti. Analizo razvijamo z uporabo socialno-konstruktivistične paradigme in kritične pedagogike.
The Connection between Secondary Student Decrease and Learning Process Quality
The paper looks into the possibilities of preventing secondary student decrease as it relates to the learning process quality. The assumption is: the higher the learning process quality, the more students will be motivated to continue their education. Of course, this does not mean that this is the sufficient first condition; secondary student decrease is a complicated issue and most often includes a number of external socio-economic, psychological and social factors. Nevertheless, the paper focuses only on the aspect of the learning process by using a theoretical analysis of the learning process’ democratic potential as the key quality factor. The analysis is developed based on the socio-constructivist paradigm and critical pedagogy.