Poučevanje fizike s simulacijami: primer poučevanja ohranitve mehanske energije

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V nekaterih italijanskih višjih srednjih šolah primanjkuje laboratorijev za pouk fizike, zato je poučevanje te vede z eksperimenti oteženo. Zato lahko učitelji fizike uporabljajo simulacije laboratorijskih eksperimentov, ki jih ponujajo različne spletne strani; v prispevku se bova avtorja osredotočila na simulacije PhET. Nekatere raziskave [7, 9, 10] so pokazale, da so simulacije dober pripomoček za poučevanje fizike, obenem pa učencem pomagajo, da sami pridejo do zaključkov in razumejo fizikalne zakone. V prispevku avtorja predstaviva pozitivne plati uporabe simulacij pri pouku fizike in podava primer poučevanja zakona o ohranitvi mehanske energije s spletnimi simulacijami.


Teaching Physics through Simulations: An Example of Teaching the Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Some Italian upper secondary schools suffer from a shortage of laboratories for Physics lessons, making it difficult to teach this science through experiments. For this purpose, Physics teachers make use of simulations of laboratory experiments offered by various websites; in the article, the authors will focus on PhET simulations. Some research studies [7, 9, 10] have shown that simulations are a good tool for teaching Physics and that they help students to reach their own conclusions and understand the laws of physics. In the article, the authors present the positive aspects of using simulations in Physics lessons and give an example of teaching the law of conservation of mechanical energy through online simulations.