Pot protonov v snovi

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Pri zdravljenju tumorjev se v svetu vedno bolj uveljavlja metoda, pri kateri tumor obsevamo s protoni. Takšno zdravljenje je veliko dražje od bolj poznanega zdravljenja z rentgenskimi žarki, a hkrati učinkovitejše. Njegova prednost je primernejša globinska dozna porazdelitev, ki manj poškoduje tkivo okrog tumorja. V tej raziskavi se je preučevala pot protonov v snovi, predvsem, kako globoko prodre in koliko se razprši snop izstreljenih protonov z enako začetno kinetično energijo. V ta namen je bil narejen računalniški program, ki simulira obnašanje protonov v izbrani snovi. Najprej se je ugotavljala odvisnost dosega protonov v snovi od njihove začetne energije, nato smo iskali snov, ki nas najbolje varuje pred protoni, za konec pa smo obravnavali še snovi, ki sestavljajo človeško telo: kosti, mišice in vodo.


Path of Protons in Matter

In the treatment of tumours throughout the world, the method of irradiating the tumour with protons is becoming increasingly widespread. Such treatment is much more expensive than the traditional treatment with x-rays, but is also more effective. Its advantage is a more suitable depth dose distribution, which causes less damage to the tissue surrounding the tumour. The present research study examined the path of protons in matter, especially how deeply the fired beam of protons having the same initial kinetic energy penetrates and how much it disperses. For this purpose, a computer program was designed that simulates the behaviour of protons in the selected matter. Firstly, it was determined how the range of protons in matter depends on their initial energy; then, we searched for matter that best
protects us against protons; in the end, we discussed the matter that makes up the human body: bones, muscles and water.