Posodobitev Strategije razvoja VSŠ ŠC Kranj kot razvojna naloga

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Šolski center Kranj (ŠC Kranj) je nastal z združitvijo Tehniškega šolskega centra Kranj in Ekonomsko storitvenega izobraževalnega centra Kranj (brez ekonomske gimnazije). Znotraj centra deluje pet organizacijskih enot, med katerimi pomembno vlogo igra Višja strokovna šola (VSŠ), saj po številu udeležencev izobraževanja sodi med največje višje šole v Sloveniji. Združitev je zahtevala številne spremembe, predvsem pa se je pokazala potreba po analizi trenutnega stanja in iz tega nujno potrebnih strateških usmeritev. Že leta 2013 je bila ustanovljena delovna skupina za strateške usmeritve, ki je pripravila strategijo razvoja in jo leta 2014 formalizirala. Kasneje je prišlo do številnih sprememb, zato je bilo treba strategijo razvoja posodobiti. Namen prispevka je prikazati postopek nadgradnje strateškega dokumenta, tako s stališča pridobivanja ustreznih podatkov za oblikovanje strateških ciljev in vizije kot tudi način usklajevanja med internimi deležniki ŠC Kranj, cilj pa je pravzaprav globlji in tehtnejši razmislek o pripravi strateških dokumentov na šoli.


Development Task of Updating the Development Strategy of the Vocational College, Kranj School Centre

Kranj School Centre (Kranj SC) was established through the merging of Kranj School Centre for Technical Sciences and the Education Centre of Economics and Services (with the exception of its school of economics, now Gimnazija France Prešeren). Operating within the centre, there are five organisational units, of which the Vocational College plays an important role, since it is one of the biggest colleges in Slovenia in terms of the number of education participants. The merging required numerous changes and, above all, the need to analyse the current situation and necessary strategic directions emerged. As early as 2013, a working group for strategic orientation was set up and produced a development strategy that was then formalised in 2014. Later, a number of changes took place, which necessitated the updating of the development strategy. The aim of this paper is to explain the process of amending the strategic document from the point of view of obtaining relevant data for the shaping of strategic goals and vision, as well as in terms of coordination among the internal stakeholders of Kranj SC, while the actual goal lies in a deeper and more thorough reflection on the preparation of strategic documents at school.