Poskus pri Kresnički: natega

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V šolskem letu 2015/2016 so učenci 6. in 7. razreda pred tekmovanjem iz naravoslovja Kresnička opravljali tudi poskus z natego. Tekmovalne naloge, ki so se nanašale na ta poskus, so bile na tekmovanju rešene najslabše in zato sklepamo, da so bile najtežje. V prispevku bomo opisali poskus in eno tekmovalno nalogo. Opozorili bomo na tiste zakonitosti pretakanja z natego v predlaganem poskusu, ki bi jih učenci morali upoštevati, da bi naloge na tekmovanju rešili pravilno. Isto nalogo smo preizkusili tudi na majhnem številu študentov 4. letnika pedagoške fizike. Nalogo so kot predtest reševali slabo. Ponovno so jo reševali takoj potem, ko so lahko opazovali poskus z natego. Svoje napačne odgovore iz predtesta so večinoma
spremenili v pravilne.


Kresnička Science Competition: Siphon Experiment

In the 2015/2016 school year, 6th and 7th grade students conducted a siphon experiment before attending the Kresnička science competition. The competitive tasks relating to this experiment had the worst success rate in the competition, which is why it is assumed that they were the most difficult ones. The paper will describe the experiment and one competitive task. It will point out the laws of siphon flow in the proposed experiment which the students should have taken into account in order to correctly solve the tasks in the competition. The same task was tried out by a small number of 4th year students of physics education. The task was used as a pretest and they solved it poorly. They solved it again after observing a siphon experiment. They mostly changed the wrong answers on their pretest to the correct ones.