V prispevku predstavljam proces, v katerem je prehod otrok iz vrtca v šolo ponovno postal področje aktivnega razmišljanja, razpravljanja in dejavnosti strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu. Ob pridobivanju znanja in informacij o izkušnjah in praksi v drugih ustanovah smo uvideli, da so prizadevanja za umirjen in mehak prehod otrok smiselna in potrebna. Vrtec se je povezal z vsemi osnovnimi šolami v mestu in prvič smo skupaj sistematično načrtovali dejavnosti vrtca in šole, ki bodo omogočale otrokom in staršem, da bodo na stičišču obeh institucij čutili strokovno podporo, imeli dovolj informacij in zaznali povezovanje ustanov.
Polemic: Children’s Transition from Kindergarten to School – Efforts for Coordinated Planning of Activities, for a Smooth Transition of Children from Kindergarten to School, and for the Continuity of Educational Work
The paper presents the process in which the transition of children from kindergarten to school is once again being actively contemplated, discussed and included in activities by the professional staff in kindergartens. After obtaining knowledge and information about the experiences and practices of other institutions, we realised that efforts to ensure a calm and smooth transition of children are sensible and necessary. Our kindergarten established contact with all the primary schools in the town and for the first time joined them in systematically planning kindergarten and school activities which would enable the children and their parents to receive professional support at the junction of both institutions, be provided with enough information, and perceive that both institutions are connected.