Podjetnostni podvigi na Škofijski klasični gimnaziji

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V članku bomo na sistematični ravni predstavili organizacijske vidike razvoja podjetnostnih kompetenc na Škofijski klasični gimnaziji v Ljubljani. Uvodoma bomo pojasnili osnovni namen in cilje projekta PODVIG (Krepitev kompetence podjetnosti in spodbujanje prožnega prehajanja med izobraževanjem in okoljem v gimnazijah) ter osmislili kompetenčni okvir EntreComp, na katerem omenjeni projekt temelji. V osrednjem delu bomo najprej predstavili akcijski načrt šole, nato pa podrobneje tri projekte, s katerimi na šoli uresničujemo učenje podjetnostnih kompetenc. Izpostavljena bosta tako organizacijski kot vsebinski vidik dejavnosti. V članku se bomo navezali tudi na programske okvire, ki trenutno v Sloveniji spodbujajo podjetnost na šolah, in na kratko omenili tudi didaktično vrednost dejavnosti v okviru projekta PODVIG.


Entrepreneurial Exploits at the Diocesan Grammar School

The article will systematically present the organizational aspects of the development of entrepreneurship competences at Škofijska klasična gimnazija (Diocesan Grammar School) in Ljubljana. The introduction will clarify the basic purpose and aims of the project PODVIG (Strengthening the entrepreneurship competence and promoting flexible transition from education to the work environment in grammar schools) and give meaning to the competence framework EntreComp, on which the aforementioned project is based. The body of the article will begin by presenting the school’s action plan and continue with a thorough presentation of three projects with which the school is teaching entrepreneurship competences. It will highlight the organizational and content aspect of the project activities. The article will also refer to the programme frameworks that are being used in Slovenia to promote entrepreneurship in schools, and will briefl y mention the didactic value of activities under the project PODVIG.