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V šolskem letu 2013/2014 sem pri pouku slovenščine dijakom strokovne šole skušala osvetliti dogodke ob trpljenju v taboriščih z literarnimi in avtobiografskimi deli slovenskih in tujih avtorjev ter neposrednim obiskom kraja dogajanja nečloveškega trpljenja. Svoje védenje o temnem delu preteklosti so tako z branjem povezali z že usvojenim znanjem pri pouku zgodovine, ki so ga nadgradili z usvojitvijo novih pojmov, npr. kdo so bili sonderkomandi ter kakšna je bila njihova vloga med vojno. Pomagali so si tudi z ustnim pričevanjem še živečih prič, kar je pripomoglo h kritičnemu razmišljanju o tistih dneh. V govornih vajah so tako pripovedovalci predstavili dogajanje v taboriščih Auschwitz I in II, ob tem pa spodbudili svoje sošolce, da so se aktivno vključili v pogovor. Njihovo védenje ter zapisi so postali dragoceni za profesorici slovenščine in zgodovine, ker sta se šolska predmeta tako medpredmetno dopolnila.


Literature as a Historical Source

During Slovenian language lessons with students of a technical school in the 2013/2014 school year, I tried to shed light on events in concentration camps using literary and autobiographical works by Slovenian and foreign authors, and by visiting the actual place where such inhumane suffering occurred. Through reading, the students connected their knowledge about this dark era in history with what they had already learnt in history lessons; they built on this knowledge by learning new concepts, such as who sonderkommandos were and what their role was during the war. They made use of the oral testimonies of living witnesses, which helped them to think about that time critically. During their oral presentations, the narrators presented events in the Auschwitz I and II camps and encouraged their classmates to become actively involved in the discussion. Their knowledge and notes became valuable sources for the professors of Slovenian language and history, because they formed a cross-curricular link between the two school subjects.