Plagiatorstvo se je razmahnilo z množično uporabo IKT opreme, obenem pa je ta oprema omogočila tudi hitrejše odkrivanje plagiatov. Detektor podobnih vsebin je slovenski računalniški program za odkrivanje plagiatov, ki ga uporabljajo na Višji strokovni šoli na Šolskem centru Nova Gorica. Poleg odkrivanja plagiatov je pomembna predvsem vzgoja študentov, da v pisnih izdelkih pravilno citirajo in navajajo vire.
Plagiarism? No, thank you!
While plagiarism has become prevalent with the widespread use of information and communication technology (ICT), this same technology has also enabled its faster detection. The Slovenian computer program for detecting plagiarism, called detector of similar contents, has been used at the Higher Vocational College of the Nova Gorica School Centre as well as by a number of other higher-educational institutions. Plagiarism detection is important, as is teaching students to properly cite and reference sources in their written assignments.