Pesmi štirih … (3. februarja 2016) je velika dijaška uprizoritev, ki je nastala skladno z načeli gimnazijskega poučevanja in s pomočjo medpredmetnih povezav strokovnih predmetov in delavnic umetniške gimnazije dramsko-gledališke smeri na SVŠGL. Šola ima dolgo tradicijo uprizarjanja predvsem so dobnoplesnih uprizoritev, dramsko-gledališka smer se je tovrstnemu načinu kolektivnega uprizarjanja priključila v šolskem letu 2010/11. Pesmi štirih … zaokrožajo krog uprizoritev od leta 2013, ko smo v vsaki novi uprizoritvi tematsko vzpostavljali občutljivost in kritični odziv do patriarhalnih družbenih konstrukcij realnosti. V opisu uprizoritve so navedeni avtorice in avtorji, sodelavke in sodelavci, predmeti in delavnice, uprizoritvene ideje, časovni okvir, razdelitev dijakinj in dijakov po skupinah in prizorih. Dodan je scenosled in poskus opisa posameznih prizorov in konkretne gradnje gledaliških podob.
Poems of the Four …, Recital of Contemporary Slovenian Poetry by Four Female Authors: Barbara Korun, Taja Kramberger, Katja Perat, Jana Putrle Srdić
Poems of the Four … (3 February 2016) is a big recital by secondary school students, which was created in accordance with the principles of teaching at general secondary schools and through cross-curricular links among technical subjects and workshops of the general secondary school specialised in arts, the theatre and drama course at SVŠGL (Secondary Preschool Education and General Secondary School Ljubljana). The school has a long tradition of staging modern dance performances; the theatre and drama course joined this method of collective performances in the 2010/11 school year. Poems of the Four … rounds off the cycle of recitals from 2013 onwards, when each new recital thematically evoked sensitivity and a critical reaction to patriarchal social constructs of reality. The description of the recital lists the authors, collaborators, objects and workshops, the ideas for the recital, the time frame, the arrangement of male and female students in groups and scenes. Added to this is the script and an attempt to describe individual scenes and the actual construction of theatrical scenery.