V prispevku teoretično in empirično analiziramo stanje na področju kompetenc pedagogov za delo v šolski svetovalni službi. V teoretskem delu predstavljamo, kaj razumemo pod pojmi kompetenca, kompetentnost in kompetence pedagogov. Predstavljamo enega od ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na kompetentnost pedagogov, tj. profesionalni razvoj. Profesionalni razvoj pedagogov smo podrobneje predstavili z S-modelom avtorice P. Javrh, ki nam hkrati služi kot podlaga predstavljenim izsledkom raziskave v drugem delu prispevka, s pomočjo katere smo skušali izvedeti, kako pedagogi ocenjujejo svojo kompetentnost, in preverjali njihovo mnenje o pomembnosti, ki jo pripisujejo posameznim sklopom kompetenc, zajetih v kompetenčnem modelu pedagogov po Staničiću (2001 v Ledić idr. 2013, str. 41) glede na leta delovnih izkušenj.
Pedagogues’ Perceptions regarding Their Competences for Working in a School Counselling
The article theoretically and empirically analyses the situation pertaining to pedagogues’ competences for working in a school counselling service. The theoretical section explains the meaning of the terms ‘competence’, ‘competency’ and ‘pedagogues’ competences’. It presents one of the key factors influencing the competency of pedagogues, i.e. professional development. The professional development of pedagogues is presented in greater detail using the S-model by author P. Javrh, which simultaneously serves as a foundation for the research findings presented in the second part of the article; the research attempted to discover how pedagogues assess their competency and to learn their opinions on the importance ascribed to individual sets of competences included in the competence model for pedagogues by Staničić (2001 in Ledić et al. 2013, p. 41) with regard to their length of service.