V prispevku predstavljamo problematiko vključevanja učencev v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, saj je prav aktivno vključevanje vseh akterjev vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa ključ do vzpostavitve šole kot učeče se skupnosti. V prvem delu je zapisanih nekaj teoretičnih izhodišč o participaciji učencev. Sledijo jim rezultati empirične raziskave, v okviru katere smo preverjali možnosti soodločanja pri oblikovanju šolskega vsakdana in pouka z zornega kota učencev. Raziskovali smo vpliv odprtega pouka na participacijo učencev ter analizirali dejavnike participacije (zadovoljstvo učiteljev z delovnim mestom, šolsko klimo in možnostmi, ki jih imajo za soodločanje) in njihovo povezanost s stališči učiteljev do participacije učencev. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je pravica do participacije učencev v šoli še vedno premalo prisotna in da participacija učencev ni mogoča na vseh področjih v enakem obsegu, zato smo v sklepu podali nekaj smernic za uresničevanje participacije učencev v pedagoški praksi.
Pupil Participation and Co-Building a Learning Community
This paper investigates the issue of pupil engagement in the educational process, since it is the active involvement of all the parties within the educational process that constitutes the key to establishing the school as a learning community. In the first part, a few theoretical standpoints on pupil participation are presented. These are followed by the results of our empirical study, which was exploring the possibilities for shared decision-making in designing everyday school life and classes from pupils’ perspective. The impact of open classes on pupil participation was studied and the participation factors (the satisfaction of teachers with their workplace, school climate, the opportunities they have for taking part in decision making), together with the way these relate to teachers’ views on pupil participation, were analysed. The results of the study show that the presence of pupils’ right to participation in schools still lacks considerably and that pupil engagement is not possible in all areas to the same degree, which is why the conclusion proposes a few guidelines in order to make pupil participation in teaching practice a reality.