S poustvarjanjem plesnega, glasbenega, otroškega in drugega izročila, s čimer se ukvarjajo otroške folklorne skupine, otroci v njih razvijajo lokalne identitete ter hkrati skrbijo za državljansko vzgojo, ki je navedena med temeljnimi cilji osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Identiteto še posebej razvijajo s kostumiranjem, s katerim v zadnjih letih interpretirajo predvsem oblačilno dediščino lokalnega okolja, pred desetletji pa so pogosteje kot danes interpretirali oblačilno dediščino prostorov, ki so jim bili bolj odmaknjeni – tudi oblačilno dediščino republik in pokrajin bivše Jugoslavije. Spremenjeni programi in kostumografije vplivajo na dojemanje njihove vloge v sodobnosti – ta gre predvsem v korist razvijanja lokalne identitete, nacionalna je precej manj izpostavljena.
Children’s Folk Groups – Co-Shapers of Ethnic Identities
By recreating the dance, musical, children’s and other traditions, which is what children’s folk groups do, the children in these groups develop local identities and simultaneously contribute to civic education, which is listed among the fundamental objectives of elementary school education. They develop their identity particularly by wearing costumes, with which in recent years they have been interpreting the clothing heritage of the local environment above all; a few decades ago they more often interpreted the clothing heritage of remoter areas – including the clothing heritage of the republics and regions of former Yugoslavia. The modified programmes and costume designs influence the perception of their role in modernity – this contributes above all to the development of local identity, whereas the national one is much less highlighted.