Ostati človek med vojno

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V šolskem letu 2014/2015 so dijaki smeri Tehnik računalništva pri pouku slovenščine ter zgodovine spoznavali krutost druge svetovne vojne, koncentracijskih taborišč, trpljenje otrok ter pojma Hitlerjevi in ugrabljeni otroci. S pomočjo govornih vaj in še živeče pričevalke so nadgradili svoje vedenje o preteklosti. Sledili so učiteljevemu izzivu, ali se je človek spraševal o svoji vesti. Je bil še moralen, ko je vzel življenje drugemu oz. si je lastil to pravico? Je še bil človek in to tudi ostal? Izpostavljali so tudi najmlajše, ki so z otroškimi očmi sledili vojnemu toku in nezavedno odgovarjali na to vprašanje, saj so morali prehitro odrasti.


Staying Human in Time of War

In the 2014/15 school year, during Slovenian Language and History lessons, students of the computer technician course learnt about the cruelty of World War II and concentration camps, children’s suffering, and the notions of Hitler’s and kidnapped children. With the aid of oral presentations and a living female witness they were able to build on their knowledge of the past. They pursued the teacher’s challenge about whether men were examining their conscience. Were they still moral after taking someone’s life or did they have the right to do that? Were they still human and did they stay that way? The students also pointed out the youngest, who followed the course of the war through children’s eyes and unconsciously answered that question, since they had been forced to grow up too fast.