Okolica ponuja številne zanimive stvari, ki pritegnejo našo pozornost, burijo našo domišljijo in nam naredijo veliko lepih trenutkov (Ivanšek, 1999, str. 5). Dnevi dejavnosti so dnevi, ki omogočajo učencem utrjevanje, poglabljanje in povezovanje znanja, ki so ga pridobili pri rednem pouku oziroma pri posameznem predmetu. Z namenom, da bi učenci kar se da doživeli lepoto pokrajine, kjer prebivajo, se je avtorica tega prispevka odločila, da organizira orientacijski pohod v naravi, ki zajema gozd, travnik, močvirje in urbano okolje. V prispevku bo predstavila, kako se je lotila izvedbe orientacijskega pohoda, od načrtovanja do izvedbe.
Orientation walk ‘Z glavo v naravo’ (Using Your Head in Nature)
Our surroundings offer numerous interesting things that can attract our attention, spark our imagination, and provide us with many beautiful moments (Ivanšek, 1999, p. 5). Activity days are the days that enable pupils to strengthen, deepen, and interconnect the knowledge acquired in class through different individual subjects. With the intent of pupils experiencing the beauty of nature surrounding their homes, the author of this article decided to organize an orientation walk through nature, comprising the woods, a meadow, a marsh, and an urban area. The article describes the entire implementation process of the orientation walk, from planning to realization.