Organizacijsko polje kot okvir za vodenje mrež šol

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Novembra 2015 je avstrijska vlada opredelila sedem sklopov izobraževalnih reform, med njimi vzpostavitev vzorčnih regij za reformo nižjega sekundarnega izobraževanja in osnovnega šolstva ter za avtonomijo šol. Nastali dokument, trenutno v obravnavi, načrtuje povezovanje šol na podeželskih in mestnih območjih v posebne mreže oziroma skupnosti, nem. schulcluster. V prispevku se na neoinstitucionalni teoretični podlagi posvečamo institucionalnemu okolju šol v eni od vzorčnih regij v Avstriji. Natančneje bomo predstavili koncept organizacijskega polja in vprašanje legitimnosti. Vse pa spremlja nova oblika vodenja šol v Avstriji, nem. clusterleitung. V članku opisujemo tudi metode in postopke dela z organizacijskim poljem in obravnavamo vodstvena merila za uspešno vodenje teh skupnosti šol. Pojavlja se vprašanje, ali je treba za vodenje teh mrež izoblikovati nove vloge in katere, po drugi strani pa, kako vrsta vodenja vpliva na odzivnost, ki jo organizacija kaže pri vzajemnem delovanju z okoljem.


Organizational Field as Framework for Cluster Headship

In November 2015, the Austrian government identified its seven education reform packages, including the establishment of model regions for comprehensive schools, elementary education reform as well as school autonomy. The resulting policy paper for school autonomy, which is currently under consideration, envisions the creation of ‘school clusters’ in rural and urban areas. This article focuses on the institutional environment of schools in one model region in Austria, against a neo-institutional theoretical background. The concept of organizational field as well as the question of legitimacy will be examined in greater detail. All of this comes with a new form of school leadership in Austria, ‘cluster headship.’ Moreover, the paper describes the methodology and procedures of organizational field work, and discusses the leadership criteria for successful cluster headship. Here, the question arises as to whether cluster formation requires new roles to take shape and which, and, on the other hand, how the type of leadership affects the kind of responsiveness an organization experiences in interaction with its environment. Therefore, current research findings related to this will be presented.