Kršitve človekovih pravic so bile v zgodovini človeštva pogoste, žal pa so mnoge izmed njih prisotne tudi v današnji, razviti družbi. Da bi učenci in učenke laže razumeli manipulacijo z ljudskimi množicami, genocid ter druge poti, v katere vodita sovraštvo in diskriminacija, in se jim znali izogniti, je pomembno, da pri izobraževanju in vzgoji tako doma kot v šolah tem tematikam namenimo ustrezno pozornost ter učence in učenke spodbujamo k dejavnostim, ki krepijo njihovo medsebojno razumevanje, spoštovanje, empatijo, solidarnost in sprejemanje prednosti multikulturne družbe, hkrati pa razvijajo kritično mišljenje in jih spodbujajo k aktivnemu državljanstvu. Sodelovanje učencev v mednarodnem projektu Krokus je primer dobre prakse, kjer se prek aktivne soudeležbe odzivajo na konkretna dejanja, spoznavajo pretekle in aktualne dogodke, kritično razmišljajo, zavzemajo stališča in ohranjajo spomin ter skupaj tkejo lepšo prihodnost za nas vse. Predstavljene pa so še možnosti poučevanja za človekove pravice v okviru izbirnega predmeta Verstva in etika, v okviru mednarodnih izmenjav, v okviru Noči knjige, s pisanjem apelov za spoštovanje človekovih pravic na 10. december, svetovni dan človekovih pravic, s srečanji s preživelimi taboriščniki in spominskim obiskom koncentracijskih taborišč Mauthausen in Gusen, s sodelovanjem v projektu Femina idr.
Preserving the Memory of the Past and Taking Active Steps in the Present – Teaching about Human Rights
Throughout the history of mankind, human rights were often violated; unfortunately, many of them still are in the present, developed society. For pupils to better understand the manipulation of the masses, genocide and other paths to which hatred and discrimination lead, and to be able to avoid them, it is important that the education they receive at home and in schools devotes enough attention to such topics; the pupils must also be encouraged to engage in activities that strengthen their mutual understanding, respect, empathy, solidarity and acceptance of the advantages of a multicultural society, while developing their critical thinking and encouraging them to be active citizens. Pupils‘ participation in the international Crocus Project is an example of good practice, in which through active co-participation the pupils respond to concrete actions, learn about past and current events, think critically, adopt standpoints, and preserve the memory, together weaving a better future for all of us. The article also presents the possibilities of teaching for human rights under the elective subject Religions and Ethics; within the scope of international exchanges; during Book Nights; by writing appeals for respecting human rights on 10 December, the Human Rights Day; by meeting those who have survived the camps and paying a commemorative visit to the Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camps; by taking part in the Femina project, etc.