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Opisan je poskus, ki je primeren tudi za maturante. Analiza meritve ohlajanja nekoliko segretega bolometra poteka po dveh poteh. Dijaki tako spoznajo, kako pri numeričnem računanju s spreminjanjem parametra modelsko krivuljo prilagodimo izmerkom. Dodana je še analitična rešitev, ki pa v tem primeru ne prekaša numerične, saj izhaja iz približka, hkrati pa tudi zahteva poznavanje infinitezimalnega računa. Zaradi poceni opreme in dobrih rezultatov učitelje vabimo, da s to meritvijo dopolnijo nabor vaj za maturante.



An experiment is described which is also suitable for secondary school graduates. An analysis of the measured cooling time of a slightly heated bolometer is conducted in two ways. Secondary school students thus learn how to adjust the model curve to the measurements by changing the parameter during numerical calculations. An analytical solution is added, which in this case does not surpass the numerical one, as it is based on an approximation and simultaneously requires the knowledge of infinitesimal calculus. In light of the inexpensive equipment and good results, teachers are invited to add this measurement to their collection of exercises for secondary school graduates.