Morske odpadke (MO) v jadranskem prostoru popisujemo od leta 2018. Ob sistematičnem pregledu izbranih lokacij slovenskega obalnega območja v Tržaškem zalivu (april 2023), od italijanske meje (Lazaret) do Pirana, zaznavamo prisotnost istih vrst odpadkov antropogenega izvora kot ob predhodnih raziskavah Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo in Inštituta za vode RS. Vizualno najbolj moteči so še vedno cigaretni ogorki. Sledijo posamični nerazpoznavni, razpadli plastični del(c)i. Nov pojav so naplavljeni veliki kosi (bokobran). Kljub naraščanju količine odpadkov na morski obali (2013–2017) je slovenska obala v primerjavi z obalami hrvaških otokov južneje malo obremenjena, ponekod občasno čiščena (KP Debeli rtič).
Waste on Selected Sections of Slovenian Coastline
Marine litter in the Adriatic area has been inventoried since 2018. The most recent inventory (2023), conducted in the Adriatic Sea to monitor marine litter disposal (LLW), focused on the Gulf of Trieste. A comprehensive survey of the Slovenian coastal area, spanning from the Italian border (Lazaret) to Piran, has detected the presence of the same types of waste as observed in previous surveys conducted between 2013 and 2017 (NIB, IzVRS). Cigarette butts remain the most common litter item, significantly impacting the landscape‘s visual appeal. Most of the waste found is fragmented, deteriorated, and difficult to distinguish. A concerning new development is the presence of large, stranded pieces, such as flatfish. Although there is an observable upward trend in litter concentration along the coastline, the Slovenian coast can be considered moderately polluted overall, with specific (particularly protected) areas receiving regular clean-up efforts.