Odnosi med glavnimi liki v Lainščkovem romanu Ločil bom peno od valov

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Prispevek podrobneje predstavi Elico, osrednji ženski lik Lainščkovega romana Ločil bom peno od valov. Na ozadju individualne usode glavne protagonistke, ki se bralcu razkriva kot hrepeneča, občutljiva, a hkrati z razumno in odločno žensko naravo, razpeto med ženstvenostjo in materinstvom, je avtor naslikal še oba moška protagonista, njenega moža Ivana Spranskega in ljubimca Andija Szigeta. V ospredju romaneskne pripovedi je osebna zgodba književne osebe, ki je povezana z iskanjem življenjskega smisla, le-ta pa tudi s prevpraševanjem in iskanjem lastne identitete. Njena prava narava mora začasno ponikniti oz. se prilagoditi, saj to od nje zahtevajo družina, družba in širše okolje, kamor se je preselila z možem. Zatajena podoba postopoma prihaja na plan, ko Elica dojame zlaganost zakonskega življenja, odsotnost pristnih čustev, lakomnost in možev brezoseben odnos. Vse to in hrepenenje po iskreni ljubezni v njej vzbudi pravo naravo, resnično identiteto, ki pride najbolj očitno do izraza v razmerju z ljubimcem Andijem. Ko ljubezen, sprejetost in iskrenost doživi v pristnem ljubezenskem odnosu z ljubimcem, najde svoj življenjski smisel in s tem zaključi krog iskanja identitete.


Relationships among Main Characters in Lainšček‘s Novel I Will Separate the Foam from the Waves

The paper presents Elica, the central female character of Lainšček’s Novel I Will Separate the Foam from the Waves, in greater detail. Against the backdrop of the fate of the main female protagonist, who is revealed to the reader as a longing, sensitive, yet, at the same time, sensible and determined woman, torn between femininity and motherhood, the author portrayed two male protagonists, her husband, Ivan Spransky, and her lover, Andi Sziget. The novelesque tale focuses on the personal story of the literary character, which is connected with searching for the meaning of life, and, consequently, with examining and searching for one’s own identity. Her true nature must temporarily disappear or adapt, as that is required of her by her family, society, and the broader environment to which she and her husband had moved. Her hidden self is gradually surfacing, as Elica comprehends the falsity of her marital life, the absence of genuine emotions, the greed, and her husband’s impersonal attitude. All of the above, and her longing for true love, evokes her true nature, her real identity, which is most noticeably expressed in her affair with her lover Andi. When she experiences love, acceptance and honesty in a genuine loving relationship with her lover, she finds the meaning of life and thus concludes the cycle of searching for her identity.