V prispevku je prikazana odgovornost ravnatelja kot pedagoškega vodje za vzpostavljanje partnerskega modela sodelovanja med vzgojno-izobraževalno ustanovo in starši. Sodelovanje s starši je odvisno od vrste programa, ki ga je vzgojno-izobraževalna ustanova razvila glede sodelovanja s starši, oz. od koncepta šolske vzgoje, ki v ospredje postavlja učni uspeh ali širšo socialno funkcijo – od splošnega razumevanja vloge staršev in vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove v otrokovem razvoju ter od pričakovanih vlog staršev in šole. Za partnersko sodelovanje med vzgojno-izobraževalno ustanovo in starši je pomemben pristop na ravni celotne vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove, ki izhaja iz analize stanja trenutne prakse sodelovanja. V prispevku so najprej prikazani različni programi sodelovanja s starši na ravni elementarnega šolanja, ki z različnimi načini vključevanja staršev v aktivnosti, ki se dogajajo v šolah, vzpostavljajo sodelovanje s starši, ki je usmerjeno k partnerstvu. Podrobneje je analizirana slovenska šolska zakonodaja, v kateri je sodelovanje s starši formalno urejeno in za katero avtorici ugotavljata, da vzpostavlja formalni okvir za sodelovanje med starši in VI-ustanovo, ki omogoča partnerski odnos. Prikazan je model, na podlagi katerega lahko ravnatelji kot pedagoški vodje preverijo, ali je sodelovanje s starši usmerjeno partnersko, in identificirajo tista področja, na katerih je treba partnersko sodelovanje še vzpostaviti.
School’s Responsibility to Establish a Partnership Model of Cooperation with Parents
The paper presents the responsibility of the head teacher as a pedagogical leader to establish a partnership model of cooperation between the educational institution and the parents. Cooperation with parents depends on the type of programme developed by the educational institution regarding cooperation with parents; on the concept of school education which focuses either on academic achievement or on the broader social function; on the general understanding of the role of parents and the educational institution in the child’s development; and on the expected roles of the parents and school. When establishing partner cooperation between the educational institution and the parents, the approach at the level of the entire educational institution is important; it is based on an analysis of the state of current cooperation practices. The paper begins by presenting various programmes of cooperation with parents at the level of elementary schooling, which use different ways of involving parents in the activities taking place at schools to establish a cooperation with parents that is aimed towards partnership. It thoroughly analyses Slovenian school legislation, in which cooperation with parents is formally regulated and, as the two authors have established, lays down the formal framework for cooperation between the parents and the educational institution, which enables a partnership. It presents a model which head teachers as pedagogical leaders can use for checking whether cooperation with parents is aimed towards partnership and for identifying areas in which cooperation with parents has yet to be established.