Idejna zasnova medpredmetnega naravoslovnega dne na turistični kmetiji Apat
Kljub zmanjševanju gospodarskega pomena ima kmetijstvo še danes zelo pomembno vlogo. V zadnjih desetletjih je pridobilo številne nove družbeno pomembne funkcije, za katere se je uveljavil izraz večnamenskost kmetijstva. S tega vidika je pomembno, da že mlajše generacije ozaveščamo o njegovem pomenu. V prispevku predstavljamo idejno zasnovo obiska turistične kmetije v okviru medpredmetnega naravoslovnega dne v osnovni šoli, katere cilj je, da učenci spoznajo pomen kmetijstva z vidika proizvodne, družbeno-gospodarske in okoljske funkcije.
Treatment of Multipurpose Agriculture in Primary School
Conceptual design of a cross-curricular science day at the Tourist Farm Apat
In spite of its decreasing economic value, agriculture still has a very important role in society. In recent decades, it has been gaining many new socially important functions, for which the term multifunctional agriculture has been coined. From this perspective, it is important that we teach younger generations about its importance. The paper presents the concept of farm visits in the frame of an interdisciplinary natural science day in primary school. The aim is for the pupils to evaluate the importance of agriculture in terms of production, socio-economic and environmental functions.