V prispevku predstavljam primer obravnave Magajnovega književnega besedila Ananas v 6. razredu in Levstikovega Martina Krpana v 7. razredu z orodjem CoRT. Pri obravnavi obeh književnih besedil sem poleg klasičnih učnih metod pouk popestrila z orodjem CoRT, in sicer z orodji PNZ (pozitivno, negativno, zanimivo), SDL (stališča drugih ljudi), PPP (prve pomembne prioritete) in AMI (alternative, možnosti, izbire), vsa orodja so iz prvega sklopa, ki razvija širino. Z orodjem CoRT sem pri učencih spodbudila osredotočeno, ustvarjalno mišljenje, timsko delo, toleranco do različnih mnenj, pogled na problem z različnih vidikov.
Discussion of Literary Texts in Slovenian Language Lessons in 6th and 7th Grade Using de Bono’s CoRT Method
The article presents an example of discussing the literary text Ananas by Bogomir Magajna in the 6th grade and Martin Krpan by Fran Levstik in the 7th grade using the CoRT method. In addition to using conventional teaching methods when discussing both literary texts, I made the lesson more interesting by using the CoRT method, namely the following tools: PMI (Plus, Minus, Interest), OPV (Other People’s Views), FIP (First Important Priorities) and APC (Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices); all of these tools belong to Unit 1 that broadens thinking. Using the CoRT method, I encouraged focused and creative thinking in the pupils, team work, tolerance of diverse opinions, and viewing a problem from different angles.