Naravoslovni dan na temo astronomije

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V prispevku je opisanih nekaj poskusov, ki jih izvajajo učenci osmega razreda. Običajno vsebinski sklop o astronomiji začnemo s pogovori o zgodovini astronomije, prikažemo nekaj modelov geocentričnega in heliocentričnega sistema in se pogovorimo o drugih zgodovinskih dejstvih ter o merjenju razdalj v vesolju. Učenci samostojno v literaturi poiščejo, kdo je avtor ugotovitev in njihovih zapisov. Pogovorimo se tudi o nekaterih drugih astronomskih odkritjih ter njihovih avtorjih. Preostale vsebine učenci usvojijo prek samostojnega skupinskega dela pri pouku ali v sklopu naravoslovnega dne. S samostojnim raziskovanjem dosežemo, da bo znanje učencev trajnejše. V prispevku so opisane tri vaje, v katerih je zajeto samostojno delo z besedilom, delo z modeli, izračuni in eksperiment. Končni izdelek prve vaje je trak, na katerega so v izbranem merilu nalepljeni planeti. V nadaljevanju je opisan eksperiment, pri katerem učenci na šolskem igrišču ponazorijo kroženje planetov in s tem povezane pojave. Na koncu je opisan še model, s katerim učenci ponazorijo kroženje Lune okrog Sonca in raziščejo nastanek luninih men.


Science Day on the Topic of Astronomy

This paper describes a few experiments conducted by students in the eighth grade. We usually introduce astronomy content by discussing the history of astronomy, showing a few models of the geocentric and heliocentric system, and talking about other historical facts and about measuring distances in space. Students search the literature on their own to find out the author of the findings and of the written records. We also discuss a few other discoveries in astronomy and their authors. Students learn the rest of the contents through independent group work during lessons or during Science Day. Independent research leads to more permanent knowledge of students.
This paper describes three exercises which encompass independent work with a text, work with models, calculations and an experiment. The end product of the first exercise is a strip to which the planets have been glued at the chosen scale. The paper then describes an experiment during which the students demonstrate the orbiting of planets and the phenomena connected with it in the school playground. In the end it describes the model used by students to demonstrate the orbiting of the Moon around the Sun and research the origin of lunar phases.