Noč z Andersenom kot promocija branja

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V članku želimo predstaviti dejavnost Noč z Andersenom, kakor smo jo izvedli v Knjižnici Brežice. Predstavlja primer bibliopedagoške dejavnosti, s pomočjo katere poskušamo v splošni knjižnici mlade navdušiti za branje in jim predstaviti knjižnico in knjige na drugačen, bolj oseben način. Uporabili smo kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja, saj smo izvedli Noč z Andersenom, opazovali odzive udeležencev in dejavnosti, povezane z oblikovanjem lastne zgodbe, posneli. Z metodo analize smo predstavili odziv otrok na dejavnosti in vsebino izbrane pravljice Svinjski pastir. Polje delovanja je bilo interdisciplinarno, saj smo v raziskavi upoštevali delovanje splošne knjižnice, opazovali odzive otrok določene starostne stopnje in spoznavali književno besedilo ter ravnanje z njim. Z zgodovinsko metodo raziskovanja smo oblikovali podatke o avtorju in začetkih dejavnosti Noč z Andersenom. Z deskriptivno metodo smo na podlagi pregledane literature podali dogajanje v drugih knjižnicah in opisali dejavnosti, ki smo jih izvedli. Metoda sinteze nam je služila za povezovanje celotnega dogajanja in raziskovanja. V članku smo se omejili na izhodišča, ki so bila uporabljena v brežiški knjižnici; opisane so metode dela z otroki, predstavljeni so rezultati dela s konkretno populacijo na neslučajnostnem vzorcu.


Night with Andersen as Reading Promotion

The article aims to present the Night with Andersen activity, which was carried out at the Brežice Library. It is an example of a bibliopedagogical activity carried out by a public library to make children enthusiastic about reading, and to present the library and its books in a different, more personal way. The causal and non-experimental method of pedagogical research was employed through carrying out the Night with Andersen, observing the participants’ reactions, and filming the activities connected with the children coming up with their own stories. Using the analysis method, the children’s reactions to the activities and to the contents of the selected fairy tale The Swineherd were presented. The work was interdisciplinary, as the research took into account the work of a public library, observed the reactions of children in a specific age bracket, and came to know the literary text and the discussion of it. Using the historical research method, information about the author and about the origins of the Night with Andersen activity was obtained. Using the descriptive method by means of a literature review, events in other libraries were presented and the activities implemented in the Brežice Library were described. The synthesis method was used to integrate all the events and research. The article is limited by the starting points employed at the Brežice Library; it describes the methods of working with children and presents the results of working with a specific population on a non-probability sample.