Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana se je pridružila projektu Evropska noč raziskovalcev in pripravila celonočni program za mlade osnovnošolce tretje triade. Program so sestavljali poskusi, srečanja s strokovnimi gosti ter druge dejavnosti, povezane z znanostjo in tehniko. Dogodek je potekal v Knjižnici Bežigrad od petka, 27. 9. 2019, do sobote, 28. 9. 2019.
A Night at the Library: Let’s Stay up All Night with Leonardo
The Ljubljana City Library has joined the European Researchers’ Night project and prepared an all-night programme for primary school pupils of the third triennium. The programme consisted of experiments, meetings with guest experts, and other activities related to science and technology. The event was held at the Bežigrad Library from Friday, 27 September 2019 to Saturday, 28 September 2019.