Nemirni otrok v vrtcu in svetovalno delo psihologa v predšolski vzgoji

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Svetovalni delavec psiholog v vrtcu se srečuje z mnogimi vprašanji in dilemami pri dejavnostih pomoči nemirnemu otroku, strokovnim delavcem in staršem. Avtorica v prispevku predstavi primer iz prakse in potek svetovalnega dela z vsemi udeleženci vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa. Z namenom ugotavljanja stanja in potreb otroka in vključenih odraslih ter sistematičnega spremljanja napredka otroka in delovanja svetovalne delavke uporabi zbirnik za organiziranje podatkov o otroku ter dejavnosti svetovalne delavke.


Restless Child in Kindergarten and Counselling Work of a Psychologist in Preschool Education

In kindergarten, the counselling psychologist is faced with many questions and dilemmas when providing help to a restless child, to the professional staff, and to parents. In the paper, the author presents a real-life case and how counselling work was carried out with all of the participants in the education process. For the purpose of establishing the condition and needs of the child and of the adults involved, and of systematically monitoring the child’s progress and the work of the counsellor, the author used the Summary Data Sheet for Organising Data on the Child and on the Activity of the Counsellor.