V četrtem razredu pri predmetu naravoslovje in tehnika učenci spoznavajo kraljestvo rastlin. Ker znanje, pridobljeno na terenu, ostane dalj časa v spominu, smo se odločili, da bomo učno vsebino prihranili za konec šolskega leta in tako izvedli naravoslovni dan. Odpravili smo se v gozd in na travnik. Učenci so utrdili zunanjo zgradbo rastlin, spoznali razlike v listih in cvetovih cvetlic. Hkrati pa smo želeli podkrepiti sodelovalno in skupinsko učenje ter vključiti že poznane učne vsebine, kot so npr. čutila. Vključili smo tudi cilje športa, glasbene umetnosti in likovne umetnosti.
Natural Sciences Day in the Meadow and in the Forest
Students learn about the kingdom of plants in the fourth-grade Natural Sciences and Technics classes. Because the knowledge they acquire in nature is longer lasting, we decided to save this learning material until the end of the school year and organise a Natural Sciences Day in the forest and the meadow. The students consolidated their knowledge of external plant structures and learned about the differences in leaves and blossoms. At the same time, we wanted to enhance collaborative and group learning, and include the already covered learning content, e.g. senses. We also included the objectives of other subjects, such as Sport, Music and Art.