Nadarjeni učenci in njihove možnosti aktivnega sooblikovanja učnega procesa

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V prispevku se posvečamo možnostim participacije nadarjenih učencev pri oblikovanju zanje potrebnih prilagoditev in šolskega vsakdana. Predstavljeni so formalni in strokovni dokumenti, ki opredeljujejo identifikacijo nadarjenih učencev in vzgojno-izobraževalno delo z njimi v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Orisane so temeljne značilnosti participacije in nadarjenosti. V sklepnem delu je predstavljen položaj participacije nadarjenih učencev, podani pa so tudi nasveti za njeno udejanjanje v pedagoški praksi.


Gifted and Talented Students and the Possibilities of their Active Co-creation of the Learning Process

The article focuses on the possibilities of gifted and talented students’ participation in creating the adjustments and everyday school environment they need. It introduces the formal and professional documents that define the identification of the gifted and talented students as well as the educational work with them in Slovenian primary schools. Included are the basic features of participation and talent, and the article concludes by describing the position of the gifted and talented students’ participation with recommendations for its realisation in pedagogical practice.