Nacionalni projekt Rastem s knjigo se je začel izvajati v šolskem letu 2006/2007 z namenom spodbuditi bralno kulturo pri mladini. Ker se ga izvede vsako leto, smo se z izvedbo potrudili tudi letos, čeprav so bile razmere zaradi pandemije otežene. Kljub vsemu pa smo se na OŠ Toma Brejca portudili in projekt izpeljali do konca s pomočjo interneta. Učenci, ki so imeli možnost knjigo prebrati v digitalni obliki, so se udeležili tudi delavnice, kjer so se z učitelji še podrobneje pogovorili o glavnih temah knjige in o njih delili svoje mnenje. Svoje občutke in mnenja so na koncu z nami delili še nekateri delavci šole.
The 2021 National Project to Promote Reading at Tom Brejc Primary School in Kamnik
The national project Growing up with a Book was established in the school year 2006/2007 with the aim of promoting reading culture among young people. Because it is carried out every year, we did our best to implement it this year as well, even though the situation was very difficult due to the pandemic. However, we managed and carried out the project fully with the help of the Internet. Students who had the opportunity to read the book in digital form also attended a workshop where, with the help of their teachers, they identified the main topics of the book in more detail and shared their views on them. Some of the school staff shared their feelings and thoughts with us as well.