Možgani v mreži navezanosti

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V prispevku želimo predstaviti in razložiti navezanost ter njen pomen. Predstavili jo bomo tudi z nevrološkega vidika. Opisali bomo varen stil navezanosti ter vse podtipe ne varne navezanosti ter predstavili vedenjske značilnosti, po katerih jih prepoznavamo. Posebej se bomo osredinili na kontekst šolskega okolja – učenci z različnimi stili navezanosti ter odzivi vrstnikov in učiteljev na njih.


Attachment – How It Marks Us and Guides Us through Life.
Importance of Attachment in a School Setting

This paper wishes to present and explain attachment and its importance. It will also present it from a neurological point of view. It will describe the secure attachment style and all the subtypes of insecure attachment, and present the behavioural characteristics by which they can be recognised. It will focus above all on the context of the school setting – students with different attachment styles, and the reactions to them from peers and teachers.