Motnje hranjenja pri učencih


Motnje hranjena so duševne motnje, katere znaki in posledice se kažejo tako na psihičnem kot tudi telesnem nivoju. Učenci izražajo svoje čustvene težave s spremenjenim odnosom do hrane in hranjenja, vendar je to le način, kako se učenci spoprijemajo s svojo stisko. Najpogosteje se pri učencih v osnovni šoli pojavljata anoreksija in bulimija. Zgodnja prepoznava in strokovna pomoč sta ključni za preprečevanje razvoja motnje in hitrejše okrevanje. Zato ste učitelji tako pomembni pri pomoči učencu. Ob tem pa se je treba tudi zavedati, da učenec ni motnja, ampak je le-ta delček njega, zato je potrebno iskati tudi njegove vire moči, zaradi katerih še vedno lahko deluje.


Eating Disorders in Students

Eating disorders are mental disorders that have both psychological and physical manifestations. Students express their emotional problems by altering their attitudes towards food and eating, but this is only a way for them to cope with distress. The most prevalent disorders among students in primary school are bulimia and anorexia. Early detection of the disorder and expert help are key to prevention and recovery. That is why the teacher must support students. At the same time, it is critical to recognise that the student is not the cause of the disorder but its component, so we must identify the areas of strength that allow them to continue functioning.