Moja pot v šolo: razvoj prostorske orientacije in zaznavanje okolice pri učencih prvega triletja

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Moja pot v šolo je devetletni projekt Osnovne šole Toma Brejca Kamnik. Cilj projekta je spremljanje učenčevega razvoja prostorske orientacije in njegove sposobnosti zaznavanja okolice na poti od doma do šole. V prispevku je podana analiza zemljevidov, ki so jih ustvarili učenci prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Bistvo analize je razvoj prostorske orientacije, pri čemer smo sledili učnemu načrtu za predmet spoznavanje okolja in Piagetovi teoriji spoznavnega razvoja. Predpostavljali smo, da bodo učenci v skladu z učnim načrtom in njihovo razvojno stopnjo vsako leto svojemu zemljevidu poti do šole dodali več topografskih pojmov.


My Path to School: First-Triennium Pupils’ Development of Spatial Orientation and Perception of Surroundings

My Path to School is an ongoing nineyear project at the Tomo Brejc Primary School Kamnik. The goal of the project is to monitor the pupils’ development of spatial orientation and their ability to perceive their surroundings on their way to school. This paper sets forth an analysis of map drawings made by the pupils of the first triennium. The focus of the analysis is the development of spatial orientation based on the curriculum for the school subject Environmental Education and on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. It was presupposed that each year the partaking students would, in line with the curriculum and their development stage, include more topographical elements in their map drawings.