Članek predstavi mladinsko knjigo Mihe Mazzinija Zvezde vabijo, ki je prejela nagrado Modra ptica, obenem pa je bila knjiga izbrana za letošnje darilo sedmošolcem v projektu Rastem s knjigo. Spregovori o vsebini, glavnih osebah, motivih, ki se pojavljajo v knjigi, možnemu sporočilu in jeziku v njej. Ugotavlja in dokazuje, da nas branje res popelje v razburljivo in zabavno pustolovščino, trčimo na pasti virtualne resničnosti, srečamo kopico popkulturnih referenc in obsesij sodobne potrošniške družbe in začutimo slutnjo drugačnega časa, kot je zapisano v reklamnem sporočilu na zadnji platnici knjige.
Miha Mazzini: Zvezde vabijo – Recipient of Modra ptica Award in Young Adult Book Category
This article presents the young adult book by Miha Mazzini Zvezde vabijo [Stars Are Waiting], which has received the Modra ptica award and has been chosen as this year’s gift to seventh graders under the Rastem s knjigo [Growing Up with a Book] project. It talks about its contents, the leading characters, the motifs appearing in the book, its potential message, and the language it uses. It discovers and proves that reading it really does take us on an exciting and fun adventure, where we run into the snares of virtual reality, come across a bunch of pop culture references and obsessions of contemporary consumer society, and experience a premonition of a different time, as is written in the promotional message on the back.