Migracije Hrvatov v Čile

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V prispevku obravnavam migracije Hrvatov v Čile. Prvi del obsega kulturnozgodovinski oris migracij Hrvatov v Čile, pri čemer je govor predvsem o emigracijskih območjih, vzrokih izseljevanja iz domovine, številu izseljencev in izseljenski politiki. Drugi del članka obsega osnovne značilnosti izseljenstva Hrvatov v Čilu, in sicer smeri selitve in ustanavljanje hrvaških kolonij oziroma priseljenskih območij, priselitveno politiko Čila, izseljensko strukturo, pa tudi društva, organizacije, delovanje izseljenskih šol in tudi današnje stanje kolonije Hrvatov v Čilu.


Migrations of Croatians to Chile

The paper discusses the migrations of Croatians to Chile. The first part comprises a cultural and historical outline of the migrations of Croatians to Chile, which mainly discusses the emigration territories, the reasons for emigrating from their homeland, the number of emigrants, and the emigration policy.
The second part of the article covers the basic characteristics of the life of Croatians as immigrants in Chile, namely the directions of migration and the establishment of Croatian colonies or immigration zones, Chile’s immigration policy, the structure of emigrants, as well as their societies, organisations, the operation of schools for immigrants, and the present state of the colony of Croatians in Chile.