Slovenija je s četrtošolci sodelovala v dveh mednarodnih raziskavah. V mednarodni raziskavi TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), ki meri trende znanja matematike in naravoslovja, in raziskavi PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), ki meri bralno pismenost. Raziskavi sta poleg znanja izmerili tudi odnos učencev do učenja in njihova stališča do matematike, naravoslovja in branja, ki se je izkazal za povezanega s končnim učinkom, znanjem. V prispevku predstavljamo povezanost naklonjenosti učencev do učenja, njihove samozavesti in zaznavanja zavzetosti učiteljevega poučevanja z dosežki učencev v raziskavi TIMSS 2015 in PIRLS 2016. Raziskavi sta med slovenskimi učenci pokazali nenaklonjenost do učenja, nižjo samozavest učencev ter nizko oceno zavzetosti učitelja pri poučevanju glede na druge sodelujoče države, kljub relativno visokim dosežkom učencev. Pokazali sta tudi relativno nizek delež učencev, ki se zelo radi učijo matematiko, naravoslovje in zelo radi berejo. Izsledke študije povezanosti znanja z odnosom do učenja prepoznavamo kot pomembne za dvig pozitivnega odnosa do učenja matematike, naravoslovja in branja glede prizadevanja za učinkovito šolo.
International Studies on Fourth Graders’ Attitudes towards Knowledge
Slovenian fourth graders took part in two international studies, i.e. in the international TIMSS study (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), which measures trends in the knowledge of Mathematics and Science, and in the PIRLS study (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), which measures reading literacy. In addition to knowledge, these two studies also measured the pupils’ attitudes towards learning and their opinions on Mathematics, Science and reading, which have turned out to be correlated with the final outcome, i.e. knowledge. The article presents the correlation between the pupils’ inclination for learning, their self-confidence, and their perception of the teachers’ commitment to teaching with the pupils’ achievements under the TIMSS 2015 and PIRLS 2016 studies. Both studies showed that Slovenian pupils have a disinclination for learning and lower self-confidence, and that they feel the teachers are less committed to teaching compared to the pupils from other participating countries, despite the pupils’ relatively high achievements. The studies have also shown a relatively small proportion of pupils who love to learn Mathematics and Science, and who love to read. The findings of the study on the correlation between knowledge and the attitude towards learning are important for creating a positive attitude towards the learning of Mathematics, Science and reading, as part of the efforts to establish an effective school.