Dejstvo je, da se naši interesi in prioritete v različnih obdobjih našega življenja spreminjajo. To bi lahko enačili z razvojem in rastjo v odraslosti in razumeli kot učni proces – fazo, v kateri transformativni proces pogosto pomeni spremembo razumevanja zaradi kritične refleksije, vrednotenja diskurza in refleksije dejanj, kar nas privede do boljšega razumevanja stvarnosti, ki jo poleg tega vidimo v bolj pravi podobi. Ker je transformacija, ki preoblikuje problematične referencne okvirje in predpostavke, pomembna in nam znanje o njej olajša soočanje s problemi, je teorija o transformativni obliki učenja orodje, s katerim lahko ob poglobljenem poznavanju njegovih zakonitosti izboljšamo kakovost izobraževanja. Ali je mediacija kot
postopek reševanja sporov glede na svojo naravo primerna tudi za reševanje konfliktov v šolskem sistemu in ali o njej lahko govorimo v luči transformativnega učenja? To in morebitni vzgojni učinek mediacije v šolskem sistemu smo preverili najprej na podlagi teorije in nato še z raziskavo. V prispevku bomo mediacijo teoretsko opredelili kot postopek in mediatorja kot njenega izvajalca, definirali vrstniško mediacijo in preučili njeno povezavo s transformativnim učenjem, enako kot teoretska izhodišča, ki smo jih upoštevali pri raziskavi, in podali mnenje o mediaciji v šolskem sistemu.
Mediation As a Transformative Approach to Learning
The fact is that our interests and priorities keep changing throughout different stages of our lives. These stages could be equated to development and growth in adulthood, and understood as a learning process – a phase where the transformation process often means a change in understanding as a reference to critical reflection, discourse validation and reflection on actions, which leads us to better comprehension and a more authentic reality. Because this transformation, transforming the problematic frames of reference and presumptions, is so important, and our grasp of it facilitates problem-solving, the theory on transformative learning acts as a tool through which, based on the in-depth knowledge of the guiding laws of transformative learning, the quality and merit of education can be improved. Can mediation as a procedure for resolving disputes, considering its nature also prove helpful for the resolving of conflicts within a school system, and can it be discussed in the context of transformative learning? The latter, together with the potential formative impact of mediation within a school system, has been examined first on the basis of theory and then on the basis of an implemented study. This article theoretically defines mediation as a procedure and the mediator as the executor of the mediation procedure, defines peer mediation and investigates the correlation with transformative learning. It examines theoretical starting points within the framework of the study that was carried out, and presents its opinion on mediation within the school system.