Ljudsko petje v šolskem okolju

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Ljudska pesem je v zadnjem stoletju razumljena kot ena izmed prvin narodne identitete, ker pa je izginila iz nekdanjega konteksta, v katerem je bila močneje povezana z družbenim življenjem, se je danes učimo predvsem preko šolskega izobraževalnega sistema. Vedno manj je učiteljev in vzgojiteljev, ki bi se s preteklimi praksami ljudskega petja ali pesmimi srečali v domačem okolju, zato je zanje lahko dragocena in pomembna izkušnja, da se s tovrstnim gradivom srečajo preko pevskih delavnic, koncertov, zbirk ljudskih pesmi in zvočnega gradiva. V pričujočem prispevku so sprva podane osnovne in nekoliko posplošene informacije o značilnostih ljudskih pesmi in ljudskega petja na Slovenskem v preteklosti ter predstavljene možnosti izvajanja ljudskega petja v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. Sledijo kratka umestitev ljudske pesmi v kontekst družbenega življenja in nekateri primeri, ki ponazarjajo povezave z vsebino in funkcijo ljudske pesmi. Prispevek na koncu ponuja tudi opis virov zvočnih publikacij in pesmaric, iz katerih je mogoče črpati gradivo za uporabo.


Folk Songs in School Environment

Folk music has been seen in the last century as one of the elements of national identity, but as it is, at present, no longer considered in the context of strong connections with social life, it is taught mainly through school education. Fewer and fewer teachers and educators have experiences with folk music and songs in their home environments, therefore they could benefit from a valuable and important experience of learning about this material through singing workshops, concerts, folk song collections and audio materials. The article first introduces the basic and somewhat generalized information about the characteristics of folk music and folk songs in Slovenia in the past, as well as the possibilities of implementing folk songs in the education process. It continues by placing folk music in the context of social life, giving a few examples that illustrate the connection with the content and the function of folk music, and concludes with the description of sound publications and songbooks as sources of materials that can be used for this purpose.