Lastne izvirne skladbe glasbeno nadarjenih učencev

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V Sloveniji so se od leta 2012 in 2014 zvrstile slovenske Glasbene olimpijade, ki glasbeno nadarjenim osnovnošolcem in srednješolcem ponujajo odlično priložnost, da se na glasbenem področju izkažejo še malo drugače kot le iz šolskih klopi. Ustvarjanje lastne izvine skladbe, ki so jih tekmovalci tudi javno predstavili v okviru tretjega dela tekmovanja SGO, je tekmovalcem predstavljalo največji izziv in raziskava empiričnega dela magistrske naloge Ustvarjalnost glasbeno nadarjenih učencev. Primer Glasbena olimpijada prinaša splošni pregled teh, s podrobno analizo 32 najboljših LIS pa ugotavlja prisotnost, način ali pogostost pojavljanja in raznolikost glasbenih parametrov, odkriva razlike v načinu notnega zapisovanja ter izpostavlja bistvene značilnosti in dosežke posameznih LIS mladih glasbenih ustvarjalcev.


Original Compositions of Musically Gifted Pupils

There were three Slovenian Music Olympiads from 2012 till 2014, where musically talented children from primary and secundary school were given a great opportunity to present themselves with their knowledge of the wider field of musical language. To create their own original composition, which was also presented to the public in the third part of the competition, presents the greatest challenge to the children. The empirical part of the dissertation Creativity of musically gifted children. Example: the Music Olympiad presents the general characteristics of the children’s original compositions and with a detailed analysis of 32 best original compositions establishes the presence, diversity and frequency of the musical parameters and detects the differences between different types of writing. The analysis also points out the best achievements of all the analysed original compositions.