Na obeh Cankarjevih dramah, ki odpirata podobno tematiko, so bile izvedene različne modernejše lingvistične analize s pomočjo korpusnega jezikoslovja in orodij za analizo in vizualizacijo omrežij, pri čemer je bil definiran tudi termin dramski sociogram. Izluščene so lastnosti govora oseb v obeh dramah, na podlagi tega pa je izdelana analiza slogovnih značilnosti in primerjava med dramama. Prav tako sta bila opisana tudi teoretično ozadje in metodologija izdelave dramskega sociograma, ki je lahko močna opora tako pri ugotavljanju razmerja moči med osebami kot njihovih vlog. Predlagan je bil tudi način uporabe predstavljene metodologije pri pouku slovenščine za bolj poglobljeno analizo literarnih del.
Quantitative Computer Analysis of Cankar’s Plays Hlapci and Za narodov blagor
Various modern linguistic analyses were performed on both plays by Cankar, which deal with a similar theme. Corpus linguistics and tools for the analysis and visualisation of networks were used in the process and the term dramatic sociogram was defined. The properties of the characters’ speech in both plays were extracted; based on that, the stylistic characteristics were analysed and both plays were compared. Moreover, the theoretical background and the methodology used to make the dramatic sociogram were described; the sociogram can provide great support in determining the power relations between the characters, as well as their roles. The article also suggests how to use the presented methodology in Slovenian Language lessons for a more thorough analysis of literary works.