Ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti učiteljev in vzgojiteljev v Sloveniji, opredeljeno z Uredbo o napredovanju javnih uslužbencev v plačne razrede, odpira vsaj dva večja izziva: bolj smiselno implementacijo elementov in kriterijev delovne uspešnosti iz Uredbe, kot je to udejanjeno v trenutni praksi, in ugotovitve Ministrstva za pravosodje in javno upravo v letih 2011 in 2012, da je v javnem sektorju od 50 pa tudi do več kot 80 odstotkov javnih uslužbencev ocenjenih z nadpovprečno oceno. V prispevku bomo uvodoma predstavili ustrezno zakonodajo s tega področja, nekatere ugotovitve domačih in tujih avtorjev, ki se ukvarjajo s problematiko ocenjevanja delovne uspešnosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju po letu 2008, ter analizo nekaterih obstoječih praks. Na podlagi obravnavanih virov in lastnih delovnih izkušenj na področjih predšolske vzgoje, osnovnošolskega, srednješolskega in univerzitetnega izobraževanja bomo predstavili predlog za model ocenjevanja delovne uspešnosti, ki lahko pomaga preseči uvodoma predstavljene probleme. Predlagani model vsebuje izčrpen nabor podkriterijev za opis posameznih kriterijev po elementih delovne uspešnosti, točkovno vrednotenje in kazalnike za posamezne kriterije ter predlog za računanje obtežene ocene delovne uspešnosti. Preizkusili smo ga na vzorcu 21 zaposlenih v dveh javnih vrtcih, pri čemer smo na podlagi vprašalnika za ravnatelje pridobili tudi nekatere povratne informacije o njegovih prednostih in omejitvah v primerjavi z obstoječimi praksami. Rezultati so potrdili naša pričakovanja, in sicer da je ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti po predlaganem modelu lažje in preglednejše, prav tako pa je porazdelitev ocen realnejša.
Criteria and Indicators for Assessing the job Performance of Teachers and Educators
Assessing the performance of teachers and educators in Slovenia as defined by the Decree on the Promotion of Public Employees to Salary Grades, opens up at least two major challenges: one is the need for a more sensible implementation of the statutory elements and criteria of work performance than the one achieved in current practice; and the second challenge stems from the 2011 and 2012 findings of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration revealing that there are 50% to more than 80% of public employees in the public sector who are rated above average. This article begins with a review of the relevant legislation in this field, some findings of domestic and foreign authors dealing with the issue of evaluating work performance in education post-2008 (after the adoption of the said Decree), and the analysis of some existing practices. Based on the discussed sources and own work experience in the areas of pre-school, primary, secondary and university education, we present a proposed model for evaluating work performance, which can help overcome the problems presented at the outset. The proposed model contains an exhaustive set of sub-criteria for describing individual criteria by elements of work performance, scoring and indicators for individual criteria, as well as a suggested approach to calculating a weighted assessment of job performance. The model was tested on a sample of 21 employees in two public kindergartens and, based on a head teacher questionnaire, some feedback was also gained regarding the model’s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the existing practices. The results have confirmed our expectation that performance evaluation following the proposed model is easier and more transparent, while the distribution of the estimates is also more realistic.