Komunikacija z vidika zgodovinskega razvoja jezika, retorike, argumentacije in konflikta

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Ključna vrlina uspešnega človeka je dobra komunikacija. Ta je namreč vedno dvosmeren proces, saj je povezana s sočasno medsebojno zaznavo in hkratno medsebojno izmenjavo sporočil. Komunikacijsko shemo (pošiljatelj – sporočilo – prejemnik) lahko razumemo zgolj simbolično, saj je pošiljatelj v istem trenutku tudi prejemnik in sočasno, ko pri njem poteka notranji proces kodiranja, že poteka tudi proces dekodiranja. Ker pri medosebni komunikaciji ne gre zgolj za preprosto izmenjavo sporočil, temveč je njeno bistvo predvsem v ustvarjanju in izmenjavi pomenov, je moj namen predstaviti tisti način komunikacije, ki preprečuje morebitne nesporazume. Cilj, ki temelji na prepričanju, da vse, kar nekdo izreče in izraža z nebesednim vedenjem, lahko drugi interpretira na številne, njemu lastne načine – in prav od tod izvira največ nesporazumov, katerih razlog je v večini primerov nevešča komunikacija –, je na podlagi proučitve zgodovinskega razvoja prikazati »pravilen« način komunikacije. V prispevku tako začenjam s predstavitvijo jezika, ki je temelj družbenega razvoja, nadaljujem z opisom retorike in argumentacije, saj sta to ključni veščini, ki ju moramo za uspešno komunikacijo obvladati. Sledila bosta definicija in predstavitev konflikta, ki predstavlja srž posameznikovih težav, ter zaključek s predstavitvijo tehnik razreševalne komunikacije.


Communication from the Perspective of the Historical Development of Language, Rhetoric, Argumentation, and Conflict

A key quality of a successful person is good communication. It is always a two-way process, because it involves a simultaneous interpersonal receiving and mutual exchange of messages. The communication schema (sender – message – receiver) can be largely viewed symbolically, as the sender can at the same time act as the receiver, and the inner coding process can occur within the person while the decoding process is already taking place. Since interpersonal communication is not just a simple exchange of messages, since its essence lies in the creation and exchange of meanings, my goal is to present the type of communication that precludes possible misunderstandings. The goal, which builds on a firm belief that everything anyone can ever deliver verbally or non-verbally can be interpreted by the receiver in numerous own ways – and this is where most misunderstandings stem from, being caused by unskilled communication in the majority of cases – is to outline the ‘correct’ way of communicating, as established by the analysis of historical development. This is why this article begins with an introduction to language as the basis of social development. It continues with the depiction of rhetoric and argumentation as the key skills that need to be mastered for successful communication. This is then followed by a definition and characterisation of conflict, which is at the core of individual’s issues, and concluded with a presentation of the various techniques of problem solving communication.