Uporaba zemljevidov in kompasa nas prej ko slej privede do geografskega, projekcijskega in magnetnega severa. Med šolskim izobraževanjem teh pojmov ne razlikujemo in ustvarja se vtis, da, kadar govorimo o severu, vsi mislimo isto. V prispevku razložim vse tri severe, njihovo uporabnost in razlike. V praktičnem delu dodajam podrobna navodila za enostavno izdelavo kompasa, ki lahko izkustveno obogati pouk geografije ali fizike.
Compass and the Three Norths
Sooner or later, the use of maps and a compass leads us to the True, Grid and Magnetic North. In the course of schooling we do not differentiate between these terms and we thus create the impression that when we are talking about north, we all mean the same thing. This paper explains all three Norths, their usefulness and differences. In the practical section it gives detailed instructions for making a simple compass, which can be an enriching experience during Geography or Physics lessons.