Zgodila se je epidemija bolezni. Izredni dogodek. V praksi smo bili svetovalni delavci pred novimi izzivi: 1) omogočiti splošne nasvete za lažje soočanje z razmerami, v katerih smo se znašli vsi, 2) omogočiti podporo in spremljanje posameznikov s težavami in 3) izvajati čim več načrtovanih dejavnosti. Pri soočanju s temi nalogami smo svetovalni delavci iskali rešitve in izvajali različne dejavnosti. Zanimalo me je, kako so bili različni deležniki vzgojno-izobraževalnega prostora v času epidemije seznanjeni z dejavnostmi šolske svetovalne službe ter kako so jih ovrednotili. Opravili smo anonimno spletno anketo, ki so jo lahko izpolnili učenci, starši in učitelji. Večina anketirancev je pozitivno ovrednotila dejavnosti šolske svetovalne službe. Prispevek je lahko v pomoč pri načrtovanju izvajanja šolskega svetovalnega dela na daljavo, obenem pa odpira nekatere strokovne vidike, ki jih je še treba ustrezno opredeliti.
When School Counselling Moves from the School Office to the World Wide Web
There was an epidemic. An extraordinary event. In practice, we, school counsellors, were faced with new challenges: 1) providing general advice for easier coping with the situation we have found ourselves in; 2) providing support to and monitoring individuals with difficulties; 3) carrying out as many planned activities as possible. When tackling these tasks, school counsellors looked for solutions and carried out diverse activities. The article takes a look at how well various actors in the educational arena were acquainted with the activities of the school counselling service during the epidemic, and how they evaluated said activities. An anonymous online survey was set up for this purpose; it could be filled out by pupils, parents and teachers. The majority of respondents positively evaluated the activities of the school counselling service. The article may be of help in planning the implementation of distance school counselling; moreover, it broaches a few technical aspects that have yet to be properly addressed.