Ker je informacijsko opismenjevanje v osnovnih šolah še vedno slabo podprto, je poučevanje informacijskih spretnosti ena izmed ključnih nalog srednjih šol. Raziskave so pokazale, da več kot polovica delovnega časa šolskega knjižničarja pripada neposrednemu izobraževalnemu delu. Odgovornost šolskega knjižničarja je torej velika, k njegovemu delu pa pripomorejo njegove kompetence, profesionalno znanje, spretnosti, sposobnost motiviranja in izobrazba. Pri poučevanju KIZ v srednjem in strokovnem izobraževanju pa je treba upoštevati še vrsto specifik, ki te dijake ločijo od gimnazijcev. Pri njih s samo frontalno obliko dosežemo zelo malo, vsak teoretični del mora biti vsaj malo povezan s prakso, zaradi pomanjkanja njihove koncentracije pa mora biti pouk izpeljan tako, da so večino časa aktivni.
Library and Information Knowledge in Vocational and Technical Secondary Education
Since the development of information literacy is still poorly supported in primary schools, the teaching of information skills is one of the key tasks of secondary schools. Research has shown that more than half of a school librarian’s working hours are devoted to direct educational work. Hence the school librarian carries great responsibility; his/her work is aided by the librarian’s competences, professional knowledge, skills, the ability to motivate, and education. When teaching library and information knowledge (KIZ) in secondary and technical schools, one must consider the number of specific features that separate such students from general secondary school students. Frontal instruction will achieve very little with such students; each theoretical part must be at least partly connected with practice; due to their lack of concentration, the lessons must be carried out in a way that keeps the students active most of the time.