V skladu z državno politiko je pouk v slovenski šoli vključujoč, kar pomeni, da poskuša čim več učencev izobraževati v običajnih programih. Učitelji, ki za izobraževanje učencev in dijakov s posebnimi potrebami niso posebej usposobljeni, zato občutijo strokovni primanjkljaj in potrebujejo podporo. Zato skušamo pokazati nekatere najpogostejše izzive in rešitve ali vsaj razmisleke, ki vodijo učitelja, da bo ustrezneje poučeval učence s posebnimi potrebami.
Teaching Geography to Students and Pupils with Special Educational Needs
In accordance with state policy, Slovenian education is inclusive, which means that it tries to include as many pupils as possible in normal school programs. Teachers are not particularly trained in the education of pupils and students with special needs. Therefore, they feel the professional deficit and need support. The article shows some of the most common challenges and solutions, or at least reflections that can guide teachers to better educate students with special needs.