Kako dobro dijaki poznajo Rudolfa Maistra

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Članek se osredotoča na predstavitev Rudolfa Maistra v učbenikih za zgodovino in književnost ter prinaša rezultate ankete, s katero smo skušali ugotoviti, koliko dijaki poznajo njegovo življenje in delo. Iz analize učbenikov lahko ugotovimo, da Rudolf Maister v njih ni predstavljen celovito. Učenci in dijaki poznajo le njegovo vojaško plat življenja, njegova pesniška in slikarska dela pa jim ostajajo nepoznana. Celje, kjer je Maister delček svojega življenja živel in bil vpet v politično in kulturno življenje, danes ni prepoznavno kot mesto, kjer bi pustil kakršen koli pečat. Anketa pa je pokazala, da ga večina pozna po njegovih vojaških dosežkih, kar je logično glede na učno snov, ne poznajo pa ga kot pesnika, ki je podpiral literarni krožek Kondor, ali slikarja. Velika večina tudi ve, da praznujemo dan Rudolfa Maistra, kaj pa je vzrok, da sploh praznujemo ta praznik, pa očitno ni dovolj znano. Kar nekaj dijakov I. gimnazije v Celju ne ve, kje se nahaja Maistrova spominska plošča, čeprav gredo večkrat na dan mimo nje. Osnovna podatka o kraju rojstva in smrti sta precej poznana. Možna rešitev za celovito poznavanje Maistrovega življenja in dela bi bila vpetost njegovih literarnih in slikarskih del v učne načrte.


How Well Do Students Know Rudolf Maister

The article focuses on the presentation of Rudolf Maister in history and literature textbooks and presents the results of a survey performed among students in order to determine their knowledge about his life and work. Based on the textbook analysis, we found that Rudolf Maister is not fully integrated in school curricula. While students know about his military life, they are not familiar with him as a poet and painter. The city of Celje, where Maister spent a part of his life and was politically and culturally active, is not recognized today as the city where he left his mark. The survey revealed that most students know about his military achievements, which is understandable as this is included in their learning material, but know nothing about Maister as a painter or the poet who supported the literary society Kondor. The greater majority of students know about the Rudolf Maister Day, however, the reason for the celebration is rather vaguely known. Quite a few students from the secondary school I. gimnazija in Celje do not know the location of Maister’s memorial plaque even though they pass by it several times a day. The information on his date of birth and death is generally known. A possible solution for a fuller knowledge about Maister’s life and work would be to include his literary and art works in school curricula.