Kaj smo se naučili od šolskih reform?

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Okolje, v katerem delujejo ravnatelji in učitelji, se nenehno spreminja. Če ne zaradi širših družbenih procesov, pa zaradi nenehnih reform sistema vzgoje in izobraževanja. Pri oblikovanju sprememb na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja se pogosto pojavlja nekaj zavez (manter), kar kaže, da so spremembe težko uresničljive ali pa da ne najdemo pravih rešitev. Glede na to, da se podobni problemi pojavljajo v številnih državah, gre očitno za širše družbene procese, ki vplivajo na uresničevanje poslanstva vzgoje in izobraževanja. Zdi se, da se pri oblikovanju sprememb v šolstvu premalo upoštevajo dejavniki, ki vplivajo na delovanje šole, in da se krivce za (ne)uspeh pogosto išče samo na strani izvajalcev vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela.


What have we learned from school reforms?

The education field, headteachers, and teachers’ working environment are constantly changing. Changes are caused by processes occurring within the society as well as with frequent reforms of the education system. Creating changes in the field of education is limited by certain commitments from the past which prevent the realization of changes or lead to the inability to find the right solutions. These are issues in many countries, obviously as a result of ongoing social processes that influence the implementation of the mission of education. Many factors influence school performance and it seems that not all of them are considered when changes are discussed. Frequently the headteachers and teachers are blamed for the failures.