V današnjem času je veliko govora o skrbeh na različnih področjih. Tudi v šolskem prostoru so pogoste, ne le med učitelji in učenci, ampak tudi med starši. Velikokrat so le-te neizražene, neopažene ali celo načrtno prezrte. Učitelju so vidne le, če s starši vzpostavi odnos, temelječ na zaupanju, aktivni komunikaciji in sodelovanju, in šele takrat jih lahko s pomočjo strokovnih kompetenc poskuša odpraviti ali omiliti. Zelo pomembno pri tem je, da so starši prav tako pripravljeni vzpostaviti odnos z učiteljem in z njim sodelovati v dobro otrokovega celostnega razvoja. V prispevku je predstavljeno raziskovalno delo, ki je nastalo v okviru magistrskega študija poučevanje na razredni stopnji pod mentorstvom izr. prof. dr. Mojce Juriševič in v katerem smo ugotavljali, kakšne skrbi imajo starši učencev prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja (VIO) glede šolanja njihovih otrok. Zanimalo nas je, ali jih starši izražajo v tolikšni meri, da jih učitelji poznajo in se nanje lahko ustrezno odzivajo. Ker je njihovo poznavanje pomembno za uspešno grajenje odnosa in sodelovanje med učitelji in starši, smo ugotavljali tudi, kakšna je vloga učiteljev pri njihovem odpravljanju.
What Concerns the Parents of the Youngest Schoolchildren and How Can Teachers Help?
Nowadays, there is much talk of concerns in various fields. They are also common in schools, not just among teachers and students, but also among the parents. They are often unexpressed, unnoticed or even deliberately ignored. A teacher can notice them only if he/she establishes a relationship with the parents based on trust, active communication and cooperation, and thus tries to eliminate or mitigate them employing his/her professional competences. It is very important that the parents are likewise willing to establish a relationship with the teacher and work with him/her for the good of the child’s holistic development. The paper presents the research conducted under the master’s study programme of Teaching at the Primary Level, mentored by izr. prof. dr. Mojca Juriševič, which tried to determine the concerns of the parents of students in the first educational triad (VIO) regarding their children’s schooling. I was interested in whether the parents express their concerns sufficiently, so that the teachers are aware of them and properly react to them. Since being aware of these concerns is important for successfully building a relationship and cooperation between the teachers and parents, I also tried to establish the role of the teachers in eliminating said concerns.