Mednarodna raziskava trendov znanja matematike in naravoslovja, TIMSS 2015, je znanje fizike izmerila z 52 nalogami za osmošolce. Skupaj z vsemi zbranimi mednarodnimi podatki raziskave so sedaj dostopne tudi karakteristike posameznih nalog iz raziskave. V prispevku prikazujemo primerjavo med dosežki slovenskih fantov in deklet pri reševanju različno zahtevnih fizikalnih nalog. V spodbudo učiteljem fizike za samostojno nadaljnje raziskovanje izsledkov raziskave navajamo še pregled in dostope do objav podatkov in rezultatov raziskave.
What Can We Learn about the Knowledge of Physics among Slovenian Eighth Graders from the Tasks in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS 2015, measured the knowledge of Physics with 52 tasks for eighth graders. Along with all of the collected international data, the characteristics of individual tasks in the study are now available. This paper compares the achievements of Slovenian boys and girls in solving Physics tasks of various difficulty. In order to encourage Physics teachers to conduct further independent research into the study’s findings, it also gives an overview and links to the published survey data and results.